Family Violence (Garry): Two current members have left the Family Violence committee due to other commitments, but we have been pleased to welcome  Sharon Huggett and Tania Miles as new members. It was interesting to talk recently to ex-local policeman Paul Huggett who is currently working in the La Trobe Valley. Paul reported that there are around 450 cases of family violence a week in his area, whereas in the Central Goldfields, last year we had 360 cases over the 12 months - hopefully, our message is having an effect.
Tower Project (Trace and Malley): The Tower project committee met last Tuedsay and actually had more non-Rotarian members than Rotarians. In the meantime, Malley met with local historian Geoff Lovett who is very excited about the prospect of doing something about the Tower area.
Bike Ride Fundraiser (Brian): 67 people have already signed up for the ride and preparations seem to be going well.