President Garry Higgins OAM, PDG Anthony Ohlsen, and PDG Geoff James all shared their "Rotary Moments" with members at our first meeting during Rotary's Membership and Development month of August last Thursday. A "Rotary Moment" is regarded as the time when a Rotary member feels sufficiently committed to the mission of Rotary to call themselves a "Rotarian". Click "Read more" for more details.
For Geoff it was a time when he had to decide whether to apply for the role of District Governor, and he realized that Rotary's mission coincided with his own personal mission. For Anthony, it was a moment in India when he was personally able to provide the anti-Polio vaccine to a young child, and in doing so, change the outlook of that precious child's life. For Garry it was during a training event when he heard the story of an Indian family that in gratitude for Rotary's work gave away their last remaining meal to a visiting Rotarian.