At our Barbeque meeting last Thursday, PDG Anthony gave a report on happenings at the Maryborough Airport - a report that has implications for our Rotary assets at the site. Anthony reported that development at the airport is to proceed with support from the Maryborough Council and that fairly soon, our club will be informed of the options available to us for our shed facility. Whilst a decision hasn't been made yet, it is likely that the airport area will be set aside exclusively for aviation related assets so Rotary will probably need to move. Hopefully, we will be able to sell our shed because it will be quite a project to have to move it to some other location. See "Read more..."
Anthony also mentioned that changes have been made to the MATS building at the airport, partly supported by donations from our club. It is pictured above at the December 2022 opening. Details are not clear, but vents were recently added to the building because the temperature inside was very uncomfortable on hot days. For some reason, the people making the decision to add vents hadn't opted to use the air conditioning system installed for that very purpose, and the addition of vents meant that the building was no longer able to be sealed as a sterile area when patients were inside. This matter will need to be addressed.