It was great to see the slideshow of the Conference that Geoff prepared last week. We can look forward to videos as well. Thanks Geoff. Congratulations and thanks again to the Committee and anyone who helped in any way to make the Conference such a success. A special thanks to the wonderful partners and friends for their hard work and support, and to Anthony for giving us the opportunity to "Be the Inspiration".
We have had many messages of congratulations from inspired Rotarians!
Congratulations to Garry and the Family Violence Committee for the successful Gender Equality Forum they ran with Go Goldfields last week. We continue to be inspired by the work you do.
Thanks to Chris and Sue for the great Water and Sanitation monthly page in the Addie. Maryborough Rotary is certainly keeping up its Public Image!
Yesterday I had the privilege of being a judge for the District Final of the Lions Youth of the Year. Rotary and Lions have much in common and the five young women certainly exemplified all the qualities we would want to see in our young people. I thank Lions President Lorraine for the opportunity to be part of this wonderful event.
Next Thursday we share our meeting with the local Girl Guides and get the opportunity to thank their leaders for their help manning the First Aid table at the Conference. Thankfully they were not called upon to use their skills! Please be sure to let Derrick know numbers for catering.
Thank you to the team of members who provided the barbeque for the Maryborough Education Centre Fair on Friday evening. A great community service.
Also, could Committee Chairs be sure to get reports to Secretary Derrick by Wednesday, so he can prepare for the Board meeting next Monday.
I continue to be inspired by you all!