Last week the Conference Committee inspired us to be part of our District Conference, by running through the program for next weekend and reminding us of the help needed before and after the event.
Thank you to the members and partners who helped put booklets into plastic pockets and attach lanyards. Dinner numbers are now closed and final details being seen to.
Peter and Bronwen are well on their way riding around the District. Be sure to send them an encouraging text or follow them on Facebook!! AND don't forget to keep a record of your exercise activities to report to Malley next Thursday!!
We are about to reap the rewards for all the hard work that has been done over the last two years, but there are still a lot of final preparations to be done.
Please  join us some time on  Thursday or Friday morning to help with setting up. I know most of you have filled in the roster. In lieu of a meeting, Garry is bringing tea to the Town Hall from the bakery at 6.30pm, but we will start working from 5.30pm onwards.
Thank you all for playing your part, and again, a huge thank you to the Committee, who have certainly exemplified "Service Above Self". I know we will all be educated and inspired by an enjoyable and fun-filled event.
Everyone is welcome to join us at Rammy Dessert at 6pm on Sunday night for a debrief.
Come on Maryborough Rotary, "Be the Inspiration"!!
P.S. There will be no Bulletin next week.