Last Thursday, our members heard from Maryborough's new Salvation Army Captain, Ronald Stobie. Ronald arrived last December and has had a baptism of fire with the Covid 19 lockdown. He indicated that the Salvation Army has been assisting a whole range of new clients since the crisis started. As the distributor of Government based grants the Salvo's have been providing bill paying support, assistance with accommodation, case management, financial counselling and general "TLC". Capt. Ronald co-ordinates an "army" of around 150 volunteers in completing this community work. Ronald believes we have yet to see the worst of the crisis. Once government support is cut back in coming months, many people will struggle to cope with not only less income for necessities, but a lack of knowledge on how to change your lifestyle and "make do" with less. Ronald's advice is that if we know of anyone who is struggling, they should be directed to any of the local support services as soon as possible because problems get much harder to deal with the longer they are allowed to continue. If any members would like to support the Salvo's through their current online "Red Shield" appeal, see the details below.