Around 15 members, spouses and Rotary friends gathered at the home of Terry and Thea Allan on January 6th to celebrate the start of the second half of the club's 21-22 Rotary year. There was much talk about Christmas and New Year experiences as well as the sharing of Covid stories. For more pix and information, click "Read more..."
It was great to meet up with Leigh and Jan Williamson's son (James) daughter-in-law (Emma)and first grandchild (Jack), recently arrived from the United States. Reminders were given about next week's meeting at the Croquet club, the Swap meet in February, booking for the District Conference in Port Fairy on March 19th, the club's involvement in the Maryborough Festival (also on the week-end of March 19th), the Bike ride on March 27, and the 70 Year Club Anniversary Celebrations on March 31st. As is now required at every Rotary meeting, members logged in with a QR code and confirmed their vaccination status. Everyone agreed it was great to catch up with Rotary friends.