PDG Geoff announced some of the new resolutions passed at the International Council of Legislation for Rotary this past week. Clubs will now be able to run meetings less frequently than each week, and they will be able to set their own "rules" regarding attendance (within limits). The Council also passed legislation allowing clubs to ignore the Classification system and choose members who, (quoting from the resolution) "demonstrate good character, integrity, and leadership; possess good reputation within their business, profession, and/or community; and are willing to serve in their community and/or around the world". Clubs may now have e-meetings instead of face to face meetings, and the concept of separate "e-clubs" has been abolished. They are all now Rotary clubs. Rotaractors can now hold joint membership in a Rotary club. Search in Google for "Rotary Council of Legislation 2016" to find the other changes.