Last Thursday, the Mayor of Central Goldfields Shire, Liesbeth Long, shared her life journey so far leading up to the time that she became our city's Mayor in November, last year. Her story is both fascinating and inspirational. She came to Australia as an immigrant from the Netherlands when she was a child, overcame the stigma of dyslexia as a student, was engaged on her 21st birthday, was married in a lunatic asylum, gave birth to her first of three children in Western Australia, and then built a new home in Katharine NT, only to have it destroyed by the once in a century flood on Australia Day in 1998... Click "Read more..."
Liesbeth then moved to Papua New Guinea and brought up her children there for 3 years, she took over the family farm at Timor West with her husband in 2003, set up her own successful business in Nolan Street called "Bead Fusion", worked as a supervisor at Coles, did a TAFE course and got a job at Paisley Park Learning Centre, walked the Camino trail in Spain in 2019 where she realizes that her true home was Australia, and after almost a dozen roles as a volunteer or administrator in various district organizations was elected to Council in 2020 and became Mayor late last year.