Last Thursday, Rotarian John Sedunary coordinated presentations of 2020-21 club objectives from both the Youth and Vocational Committees. Both committees presented their objectives to all the members present, and some vigorous, interesting discussion followed as to the objectives we should place as highest priority in this year of the Pandemic. In the process, John reminded us all that we, as individual Rotarians, and as Rotary committees will always be most effective with our Rotary service when we have a clear idea of "why" we do what we do. It is the "why" that taps into our beliefs, and when we know "why", we will be far more passionate and influential as Rotary members. John also suggested that, for this year, the Youth and Vocational committees consider the possibility of working together on some key joint projects that have similar aims. The two committees plan to meet in the next week or so to consider the possibilities.