With Halloween in the air, and scary masks in place, our club committees considered ways of moving forward during times of "Covid Normal". Pictured are some of our members who used the meeting to try out their Halloween gear before they attempt to scare innocent (?) little kids on Saturday night - well, that's the theory, anyway.
The Community committee considered the ideas of extending their commitment to GELC, running a thank you program for community volunteers who kept working through Covid, running a Christmas event for Asteria people, encouraging shop owners to flower boxes in front of their shops to brighten up the street and extending the Book program. The Vocational committee explored 3  philosophies that could drive club activities for the next twelve months - "Because if we keep on doing what we've been doing, nothing is going to change." The Philosophies were, "How do we get our community to think more positively about Rotary?", "How does Rotary in conjunction with the community, drive community change?" and "How can we use the real interests and capacities of members to drive change?" The Youth Committee also wants to develop a relationship with GELC, as well as the East Neighbourhood House and the Salvation Army, whilst extending the club's Book program. The International Committee will continue with International toasts, and the collection of stamps (to go to John Williamson). The committee members also spent time discussing the need for actual "action" during Covid times, so it doesn't become an excuse to do nothing.