Clue Detective Puzzles are a new way for Rotary to fund raise.We finished our meeting last week with an online Clue Detective Puzzle. Our President was inundated with suggestions for 3 across to 16 down and became rather flustered, but it was fun to do. We have begun to take orders for this puzzle subscription. For every $59.95 puzzle subscription ordered, Clue Detective donates  $24 back to our Rotary club. Do let Thea, our Secretary know how many you would like to order.

The $24 is divided between our own service projects, and Australian Rotary Health’s Lift the Lid on Mental Illness campaign which supports mental health research...
The arrival of COVID-19 has made it virtually impossible for Rotary clubs to raise money in the ways they are accustomed to.  With many people experiencing symptoms of mental strain and heightened anxiety due to the pandemic.  Mental health research and the work of Australian Rotary Health and has never been more important. Clue Detective offers our Rotary club a new and innovative way to raise funds for our own service projects and Australian Rotary Health’s Lift the Lid on Mental Illness by promoting the benefits of puzzling.